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Alcohol Outlets vs Graduation Rate Study

Python, Pandas, GeoPandas, Patsy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SciPy

Group Project

March 2022 - June 2022

- Studied and reported the effect of alcohol outlet density on graduation rates and alcohol consumption rates across various school districts,  races, and genders in LA County

- Exclusively responsible for developing and implementing more than 15 Ordinary Least Square models on multiple datasets and testing their accuracy.

- Handled the cleaning and processing  of more than 15 datasets from various sources

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Bullet Journal & To-Do List

Node.js, MongoDB, IndexedDB, HTML/CSS  

Group Project

March 2021 - June 2021

- Single-handedly designed and developed multiple NoSQL databases, using MongoDB and IndexedDB, for the web application

- Designed functions to work with IndexedDB for storing, retrieving, deleting and modifying journal & to-do list entries


- Worked on the front-end and back-end development of the web app using HTML/CSS and Javascript (Node.js)

Bullet Journal & To-Do List

Spotify HyperRecommender

Python, Pandas, Numpy

Individual Project

December 2020 - Present

- Working on a python-based recommender tool that uses streaming data from Spotify to recommend songs based on the hour of the day

- Using multiple libraries for visualizing and calculating inferential statistics to build recommendations

- Will be adding more variables (such as the time of the year) and support for other music streaming apps

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Molecular Simulations


Individual Project

November 2019 - December 2019

- Processed molecular paths using a given dataset and applying Newton’s laws

- Evaluated the effects of varying conditions and forces on these molecules using MATLAB

- Created graphs and tables to simulate the real world trajectories of these particles



JavaScript, Android Studio

Individual Project

July 2018 - November 2018

- Responsible for design, testing, debugging and partial coding

- Application features included attendance logging, schedule planning and deadline management

- Crossed 500+ downloads within the first month


Hospital Database Management System


Group Project

December 2017 - January 2018

- Used C++ to build a database management system for hospitals

- Included separate profiles for administrator, doctors, and patients

- Features included appointment generation, fee collection and calculation

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